Online Boat & Bike Reservations

Welcome to our online boat and bike reservation system. Follow steps 1-5 below, sign the liability form that is emailed to you, and you’ll be ready for your next adventure in Bear Valley.

Boat Delivery:
For your convenience, BVAC can transport boats to and from Lake Alpine, Spicer Reservoir, Union Reservoir, and Utica Reservoir for an additional fee. Please fill out the Boat Delivery Form below, and one of our team will contact you to finalize the details.

Rental Late Fees:
BVAC strives to provide efficient rental services. So when rentals are returned late or scheduled services are delayed, it can affect other customers, including staff. Therefore, BVAC reserves the right to charge $20 per 15 minutes when rentals or when people are late. Thanks for understanding.

steps 1-5